Miss Patina at London Fashion Week

Miss Patina at London Fashion Week

One of the UK’s most coveted events of the year, London Fashion Week 2017 is here! This season, Miss Patina is very honored to be invited to this wonderful event! Follow our steps to see what exciting is happening!

15129117845445564080658844193366792 395886886067481134KATIE ANN MCGUIGAN

543556760589123460 751351508147655427289167624284526195SADIE CLAYTON

268803704947284419 510547100118986803831323681364523349 882309892904551171HAN WEN

269104711800717539 492954028013670628 625245488384576877771012406718517747 797465734803933038Phoebe English

Street styles are very inspiring too!

86985860846445642 681961242356280711 6855937724159332271067652835350417