Interview With Lovely Chloe Giordano

Interview With Lovely Chloe Giordano

Chloe Giordano is an illustrator from Buckinghamshire and we absolutely adore her work here at Miss Patina HQ!


What first interested you in illustration and the creative arts?
I’ve always loved drawing and painting, although I didn’t expect to wind up doing embroidery I’ve wanted to have some sort of career in the creative arts for most of my life.

How long have you been sewing/embroidering?
Around 4 or 5 years now, I began during my last year of university (at UWE in Bristol) but didn’t start working regularly with embroidery for another year or so.

What did you learn during your degree in Illustration?
For most of my degree I was working in pencils and oil paint so I didn’t learn anything directly about embroidery or sewing, but I spent a lot of time painting and drawing from life as well as reference which I think helps to inform my work now, and well as learning to work to a brief and deadline which is helpful when your work is so labour intensive.


Do you prefer 3D work or illustration?
I began entirely creating 3D work but I definitely prefer embroidery now, I think I see embroidery as my main work and 3D a fun diversion these days. Embroidery feels more like a continuation of my earlier drawing that I was always trying to improve.

Where do you find your inspiration?
I take a lot of my inspiration from the natural world as well as nature guides, museums and other collections, including what I’ve come across myself while out on walks. I’ve spent a lot of time drawing from these sources over the years and now funnel that into my embroidery.

What are must-have pieces of equipment for either illustration work or embroidery? To help anyone who is thinking of taking up the craft for the first time.
I use very few pieces of equipment, just a wooden embroidery hoop, a thimble, a vanishing fabric marker, a few needles, and thread (usually polyester sewing thread, admittedly I have a great deal of these so I can achieve a broad range of colours). I don’t think you really need much else when starting out!


You mention on your website that you like to have a good look around for fabric in second hand shops; do you have any favourite places to shop for such finds?
I live in Oxford and we have a lot of second hand and charity shops to choose from. I don’t use as much second hand fabric these days and normally go for unbleached calico to embroider on.

And also, if perhaps you have already heard of Miss Patina, could I ask you to share with us your favourite piece from our current collection?
I hadn’t previously, but having a browse on your site I love the Hayworth dress and the detailed collars (although I’m sure that last one isn’t a surprise!).

Check out her website here: //