Interview With Lovely Morgane Carlier

Interview With Lovely Morgane Carlier

 Welcome to Morgane’s colourful universe!


  • Hi Morgane, please introduce yourself to Miss Patina girls!

Hi there! I’m Morgane, a French illustrator who addicts to tea, cats, dresses and cakes!

I love drawing and sharing my little world of illustration. I try to discover something new every day. I love fashion, especially vintage fashion, as I find it sooooo inspiring!

  • How did you get into illustration?

I did an art school in high school. After getting my diploma, I went into an animation class to make cartoons. That’s where I find I wasn’t made to create moving images but simple still ones, illustration. So I went to Birmingham, with the Erasmus program to study illustration. And I just fell in love with it.

When I went back to France, I start as a graphic designer in an advertising agency and then I decided to keep drawing for myself. So I posted my work online, and found that people loved what I created. So I started my own business as a freelance illustrator besides my graphic designer career.

  • How long have you been drawing/illustrating?

Well., since I can hold a pen in my hand? Maybe since I’m like 4-5 years old.

I still remember when I drew for my friends at playtime in primary school.

  • Where do you find your inspiration?

Absolutely everywhere! From reading, watching movies or television, listening to music, observing people in the street, or watching and appreciating other artist’s artwork.

  • Does the girl you drawing in your illustrations is your self-portrait?

Yes it is!

I’m easily recognisable as I have red hair and huge dark glasses. I actually love drawing different people, but my followers seem to love when I just tell something that happened to me or when I discovered something new by illustrating me, so I keep doing this.


  • Why do you think you love drawing and petting animals?

I love illustrating what comes to my mind, an attitude, an outfit. It is very relaxing for me. I feel great while drawing.

Concerning petting animals I just always loved that too! They’re soft, kind (maybe not always lol) and I loooove hearing my kitties purring. So soothing!


  • Please describe one of your typical days.

I usually wake up at 6am. I choose a lovely dress for the day, shower, make up and draw to 6.30 am to 7am.

Then I wake up my boyfriend and we take breakfast, I love picking up a book in my library to look at while eating and get inspiration for the day.

I go to work at 7.30 am. Once I’m arrived I draw till the office hour starts (9am). Then I work as a graphic designer.

At lunch break I start my illustrations commissions or personal work from noon till 2pm watching a series (nowadays it’s Jessica Jones) Then I get back to graphic design till 6pm.

On my way home, in subway, I read a suedish polar (totally addictive) and then I’m back home to cuddling my two lovely cats, eating French fries and watching romantic British movies with my man (which he doesn’t like at all but these days I also have to watch the complete Star Wars saga, so he has to be kind! haha)

Capture d’écran 2015-11-10 à 10.58.44

  • Who are some of your favourite illustrators and why?

I love Genevieve Godbout and Annette Marnat. They add a retro touch to their artwork, it’s simply magical and reminds me of some of my childhood books.

I love Brittney Lee, Audrey Benjaminsen, Adrian Valencia, Adolie Day, Joey Chou, Margaux Motin, Pénélope Bagieu… So many I can’t tell them all!

  • Top 5 favourite things in life?

Drawing (that’s an easy one), eating, reading, cuddling, loving, sharing

  • What helps you be more creative?

Keep watching what’s around me. People, artists, art. Keep being curious about anything.

  • What are three words describe your work?

Quirky, happy and childish.

  • And also, if perhaps you have already heard of Miss Patina, could I ask you to share with us your favourite piece from our current collection?

Of course! It is just one of my favorite brand: british, preppy, unique, feminine and elegant!

My favourite piece from the current collection are the Sugar Brown dress (the perfect pinafore), the Aristocat dress (for the crazy lady that I am) and also the Feline fling skirt. Perfect for the cosy nights of winter!


Check out Morgane’s amazing work and little life stories here!